English For Africa

Edet Udofia
Senior Producer

English for Africa

December is the month the entire world celebrates the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. https://www.africanpathways.org has lined up programs for your listening pleasure, our programs include Christmas songs, messages reminding us about the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ, and experiences many have shared in celebrating Christmas with their families. We have also shared the weather changes in some parts of the world during Christmas like snow in the western world and the effects of harmattan in many countries within the sub-Sahara of Africa.

Our listeners from sub-Saharan Africa come from Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Cameroun, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, and Cote d’Ivoire. We have also received emails from several listeners in Europe, India, France, and the USA. There are so many countries out of sub-Saharan Africa that our programs have not reached. Africa is bigger than all of Europe, China, and the United States of America together. The area of Africa is 11,725,385 square miles, China’s area is 3,700,000 square miles, the area of the USA is 3,531,905 square miles and the area of Europe is 3.93 million square miles. We have a lot of work to do in sub-Saharan Africa. The Brookings Institute predicts the young population in sub-Saharan Africa should reach 945 million – the only region in the world where the youth population is increasing. We must prepare to reach sub-Saharan Africa for Christ.

Just for your appreciation of God’s creation. One of our listeners brought our attention to a village in Obudu, Cross River State of Nigeria with a language for the men and another language for the women. The people of Ubang live in a community enveloped by three villages – Okwersing, Ofambe, and Okiro. Our listener affirmed that from birth each child born in the community knows that he or she has to speak the language of his or her sex. It comes naturally. The variances in language between the male and female folks is what stands the community out with others and the people are very proud of themselves and their identity. Isn’t God wonderful?

Merry Christmas and God’s blessings.
Edet Udofia – Senior Producer Africa