Arabic: We’ve Been Everywhere! – February 2025

We’ve Been Everywhere! When was the last time you heard Johnny Cash’s song “I’ve been everywhere, man…”? Whenever I listen to it, I think of our broadcast and the places we’ve been to all over the world. It’s ironic, and fantastic, that shortwave goes a looong way! Shortwave is capable […]

Arabic: Peace on Earth! – December 2024

Peace on Earth! As we celebrate the Christmas season, we’re bombarded with commercials and ads telling us to buy this or that product that we must have in order to be happy! We need to remind our listeners—and more importantly ourselves—that Christ is the reason for the season! When Jesus […]

Arabic: Difficult Questions – November 2024

I Don’t Understand Why Why do I have to experience pain and suffering? Why is there so much injustice in the world? Why does God not answer my prayers? These are some of the questions that many of our listeners struggle with. To be honest, I personally grapple with these […]

Arabic: Just Talking — April 2023

Our new series “Generation Gap” is becoming so popular. It’s a spontaneous conversation between real life mother and daughter discussing different social and cultural issues, including money, dating, and marriage. Listening to this program virtually transports the audience into the living room of a middle-class family in the heart of […]

Arabic: Who’s There -February 2023

People who like time travel are enjoying our newest drama series “Who’s There.” It transports a present day tv reporter and her producer back in time about two thousand years. They move around Jerusalem and the surrounding areas looking for a scoop. They detect a stirring in the region and […]

Arabic: New Trends. Again! — November 2022

It’s amazing how fast cultural trends shift. Changes that used to take decades now happen in a matter of months, if not weeks. Keeping up with the global, regional, and local changes help us understand where our audience is, where they’re coming from, and where they’re heading. Our goal is […]

Arabic: Choose Life! — September 2022

“I was contemplating suicide when I listened to your program… now I’m having second thoughts… can you please help me?” That was one of our social media listeners reaching out to our team. He shared that he was having suicidal thoughts when he came across our program on depression and […]

Arabic: Three On The Road! – August 2022

A thriller drama about archeologists searching for treasures in the desert and discovering the history of worship in ancient Egypt, Judaism and Christianity. A mix of suspense and humor makes this series one of our most listened-to programs. It follows a scholar with his young protégé digging deeper into ancient […]

Arabic: The Truth Will Set You Free – July 2022

It’s been over a decade since a wave of revolution passed through the Arab world. People still disagree on whether it achieved some good goals or just resulted in circling the wagons. A healthy change is usually gradual, from the inside out and from the bottom up. I believe many […]

Arabic: Keep Sowing the Seeds! – April 2022

This Easter marks the sixth anniversary of MWV. Time flies! We have been on the air for six years—that is over 2,200 days so far! Think of all the hours that covered the entire world with the good news! It is interesting to see that different parts of the world […]

Arabic: Peace on Earth — March 2022

We’ve been following the news of yet another war, this time between Russia and Ukraine. Our listeners all over the world, especially in the Middle East, are no strangers to war. During the last decade alone, there were at least a dozen wars in the region: some extremely devastating, like […]

Arabic: The World is Listening! – February 2022

There is a lot of uncertainty, anxiety and fear going around the world nowadays. Some is warranted, much is exaggerated. So, what do we do? Well, what we’ve always done—take it one day at a time, put one foot in front of the other, and continue to create and broadcast […]

Arabic: You Crown the Year — December 2021

“You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance. The grasslands of the wilderness overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness. The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing.” (Psalm 65:11-13) Another year almost passed, […]

Arabic: From Halloween to Thanksgiving! – November 2021

In an increasingly globalized culture, many local customs and traditions, whether good or bad, cross borders into other regions. Case in point is Halloween that found its way into an Arabic culture that is intrigued by the supernatural and has a soft spot for superstitions. Regardless of your view of […]

Arabic: What’s on your mind? – September 2021

We hear from many of our listeners all over the world. I wish we could hear from all of them, but that’s not yet possible. A new listener recently sent us his comments about our broadcast. He simply wrote, “Wonderful!” I believe it is the shortest message we’ve ever received, […]

Arabic: Science vs. Religion – August 2021

Every now and then, the Arabic news media reports on someone who is prosecuted on charges of “atheism.” A recent statistic showed that about 5% of Arabs identify themselves, unofficially of course, as “atheists” — that is about 20 million people! According to the source, this number may increase due […]

Arabic: Timeless Encounter! – July 2021

Throughout the last couple of months, a group of us met every Thursday at the office to have lunch and to watch an episode of the “The Chosen.” If you’re not familiar with it, it’s probably the most creative and down-to-earth drama about the life of Jesus and his disciples. […]

Arabic: Reconciliation is Good! – June 2021

Most of us watched with concern the news of renewed clashes between Israel and the Palestinians. Regardless of any affiliation—ethnic, political, religious, or otherwise—we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, or al-Quds, as it is called in Arabic, which means the holy place. One of our essential guidelines at World […]

Arabic: Let It Rain! — May 2021

I sat down to write this article for our monthly website update that we call “What’s Going On.” I wasn’t sure what to write about. I wondered to myself, what is going on?! I looked outside the window, and it was raining. I wouldn’t go as far as dancing in […]

Arabic: Time for an Ebenezer! – April 2021

On March 26 we celebrated the 5th anniversary of station MWV! It’s time for an Ebenezer—and no, I don’t mean Scrooge! The words eben-ezer in Hebrew means “stone of help,” setup to commemorate the help that God provided to his people. “Then Samuel took a stone and set it up […]

Arabic: Beat the COVID! – March 2021

It is hard to believe it has been over a year since the Covid-19 appeared out of nowhere and turned the world upside down. I cannot think of anything in my lifetime that affected everyone everywhere like this. It is a bitter reminder that life is short, and we are […]

Arabic: Moving Forward – February 2021

Most of us use GPS devices to find our way. Occasionally, the device shows a message that it is “recalculating.” I find it reassuring that the on-board computer is checking the current traffic conditions and finding the best route to my destination. As we start a new year and a […]

Arabic: Hindsight is 2020! — December 2020

“Hindsight is good, foresight is better; but second sight is best of all.” (Evan Esar) As we approach the end of 2020, we look back and wonder—If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve… [complete the sentence!] I love time-travel movies. I often imagine going back to certain […]

Arabic: Give Thanks! – November 2020

November is the month of Thanksgiving and as we approach the end of 2020, we are reminded that we have a lot for which to be thankful. Thanksgiving is not a celebration that comes once a year. It is an attitude that we should live every day, even – or […]

Arabic: Need Mental Implants? – October 2020

I was driving on the freeway when a strange billboard caught my eye. It read, “Need Mental Implants?” I thought, what in the world is that?! I did a double take only to see that it actually said, “Need Dental Implants?” Ah, well, my bad! Then I thought, wouldn’t it […]

Arabic: Finding Common Ground – August 2020

The more you know about your audience, the better you can serve them. The more you understand how they think and what they believe, the better you can relate to them and start from where they are and guide them on the journey. This month, Muslims throughout the world celebrate […]

Arabic: What Is Your Problem?! – July 2020

Since we launched our social media platform last year, we noticed an increasing number of people contacting us and asking for advice on their personal problems. We thought it would be a good idea to find out more about these problems that many young people in our audience face. We […]

Arabic: I Doubt, Therefore I Am! — June 2020

Recent surveys of the Arab world show that people who identify themselves as “atheists” or “agnostics” are on the rise. This is particularly interesting in a culture that is predominately religious where, in many countries, it is a punishable offense for a person to proclaim they do not believe in […]

Arabic: Keep On Keeping On! – May 2020

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about […]

Arabic: For a Time Such as This! – April 2020

On March 26, we celebrated the 4 year anniversary of MWV going on the air. The task of building the station was overwhelming and, at times, seemed insurmountable. However, by the grace of the Lord, the generous support of our great donors and the perseverance of our leadership team, it […]

Radio Producer
Dr. Tony Tadros

Dr. Tony Tadros Arabic Senior Producer

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Arabic Prayers