Edet Udofia Sr. Producer, Africa

Praying for Victims of Cyclone Idai

Regions of Sub Saharan Africa

There are 54 countries in the continent of Africa and according to the United Nations Development Program lists, 46 of the 54 countries lie within the south of the Sahara and are known as the “Sub-Saharan Africa.”  Three key Sub Sahara African countries Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbawe have been hit by tropical cyclone Idai generating heavy rainfall and wind gusts of about 105 miles per hour since March 4, 2019. The heavy rain and intensified wind caused a devastating damage and untold hardships to the people of these regions. According to National Disaster Management Institute, over 447 people have been reported dead in Mozambique, more than 1,500 people have been injured and over 15,000 homes and 3,000 schools have been destroyed. In Zimbawe over 154 are reported dead, and more than 162 injured, 136 displayed waiting for rescue and 187 people are missing. Malawi recored 56 deaths. The United Nations estimates that over one million children require immediate relief. We in African Pathways and the World Christian Broadcasting family are praying for the victims of this natural disaster and we ask all our friends to remember all these families in prayer.

The website www.africanpathways.org is up and running, and new programs have been added. The site has a new look with ease of navigation while programs are arranged to give our readers varieties and the opportunity to come back and continue where they may have left off earlier.  The programs are short with diverse choices from among the subjects of discussion. There are programs on health care and spirituality, African proverbs, series on the lives of people who existed before our time, and God’s intervention in the lives of several characters in the Bible. The programs feature real problems from real people demonstrating how God is using people for His Glory even today. New programs will continue to be added on a weekly basis.

The shortwave radio broadcasts from the frequency 11965 at 2000 UTC continue to reach the uttermost part of the world and our listeners hear God’s word far away from the Mediterranean to the United States.  We read recently from our listeners in Connecticut, Massachussets, Italy and Spain – all outside Sub Sahara Africa. The Africanpathways website had visitors in March from Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Mali and Sierra Leone.  There were seven requests in the month of February and March from listeners asking for enrollment in Bible study and we have followed through to enroll them through World Bible School programs.

To God be the Glory.