The Entire World Is Being Covered Every Day with Broadcasts From Alaska and Madagascar
Stay In Contact With Us:
Go to our website and see the frequencies and times for our programs.
You can also see pictures and responsibilities of many of our staff.
Please be in thankful prayer for the 7 broadcast hours that are aired multiple times throughout the day that go out in 7 different languages every day from Station KNLS and Station MWV. We continue to hear from every corner of the globe from listeners of shortwave radio, contacts from the websites for each language, and from cell phones that are able to access shortwave radio and from apps they have downloaded make contact with us. Listeners are continuing their study of the Bible and their walk with God from World Bible School correspondence courses and from Bibles and information we send them from our offices in Franklin, Tennessee, Anchor Point Alaska, Saint Petersburg, Russia and Hong Kong, China.
Please be prayerful for our five families who take care of our station in Alaska, the twenty seven workers in Madagascar, our twenty staff members in Franklin, Tennessee, many stringers (who write and occasionally voice programs), and volunteers who bless our work in many ways. Please be mindful of our monitors that live throughout the world and listen to our programs every day to insure the quality and strength of our signal and check for interference from governments hostile to Christianity.
Would you include the producers of our programs in your daily prayers?
Tony Tadros, Arabic
Ed Ho, Chinese
Rob Scobey, English
Edet Udofia, English for Africa
Romulo Fontes, Portuguese
Konstantin Chernushenko, Russian
Rex Morgan, Spanish
Andy Baker
World Christian Broadcasting