Jose and Raquel Castillo are recording radio messages addressing conflict resolution. This amazing couple has served the Lord in Miami, Cuba, and now throughout Latin America via radio, Internet, and handheld devices.

Now they have combined their voices and talents in a production that will help people resolve conflict using the Bible. Jose serves as technician while Raquel voices Hope in Conflict. Then Raquel serves as technician while Jose records the series God’s Giants.

Be sure to click on the video to see Raquel and Jose in action!

Some of God’s Giants are already being broadcast on radio and can be listened to and shared via our La Voz Alegre app or our website, Raquel has already recorded over 40 Hope in Conflict scripts and has 20 more to go.

It is wonderful to work with this loving couple who only seek to serve the Lord using their talents in such an impactful way. Please keep them, their children, and grandchildren in your thoughts.

Categories: SPANISH