Who among us does not like to receive good news? Good news is always welcome, whether it’s a child that has just been born, the end of a war, to get a new job. Yes, good news are always welcome! And in the month of June we had a lot of good news.
The first is that we continue with our series on Revelation. Revelation is an encouraging book for all of us because it talks about the importance of standing firm even in the face of adversity. It was like that for the Christians of the time and it certainly is like that for all of us today.
Revelation 2:18 says: Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.
The second good news is that this month our program reached several points around the world and that’s amazing! When we think about it, we can see the importance of our shortwave broadcasts and how blessed people are.
We got the contact from Igor from Belarus, he said that when he has the opportunity he is listening to our program, that’s because the broadcast time for Belarus is during the dawn. It was suggested to him to enter our website and follow along there. In addition, he asked us for an English to Portuguese dictionary so that he can learn Portuguese.
We also received two contacts from China, the first from Liu who said that the signal arrives in his city very strong and also from Ding Lu who also said that the signal is strong and clear in his region Jiangsu Province, China
Another contact came from Wei Bruce Lee from Australia told us: “ I am a radio enthusiast and I live in Australia. I report that I received your transmission.” He sent us a video recording our schedule and the quality was really good.
In addition to all those, around the world we have also received several contacts from our listeners in Brazil. José Rildo from Mato Grosso – Brazil sent us several videos and said that he has enjoyed the program a lot, and that the frequency is still good.
Valéria and Luiz – Baptism
Finally, we have always received feedback from Rafael Rosa from Rio de Janeiro. He received his QSL card and made sure to send us his photo with the card.
To end the month of good news, we had the baptism of two new people, Valéria and Luiz. Angêlo and I have been looking for several contacts from listeners and during the months of March and April we were studying with two other radio contacts, Renato and Italo, and we studied online with them.
Thanks to God fruit of the work and dedication and also of the interest of Valéria and Luiz after studying and understanding the importance of baptism they were baptized and now they are part of the family of God in the city of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais Brazil.
Categories: PORTUGUESE