Encouragement from the Mails

Listeners’ responses are always valuable to us. Encouragement notes from them always have our greatest attention. Four Chinese mails are listed in this issue of What’s Going On. Hope you enjoy reading them as much as we do.

“I listen to you program daily. It makes me happy and satisfied after I listened your program. Thank you.”

“Thank you for your program, from which I learned how to be a man. Please talk more about Bible stories, particularly the deeds and words of Jesus Christ. Because I know some Christians, who do not know what to do and what not to do; what to say and what not to say. Sometimes Christians are not mindful of the heart of God. Broadcast sermons sometimes and cover a wide range of knowledge in your programs, if you please.”

“How are you? Tonight I listened to your broadcast and am deeply touched. Your program enables me to know how to study the Bible, and how to follow God’s guidance and to walk on His steps. I would give up myself to God and obey his word. Thank you for making program for us daily.”

“I like to tell you that your program is widely welcome and appreciated by Christians in my home town. They all agree that your program is good. After they listened to your program, they praise God naturally out of their heart. They even want to follow God more closely. May God showers his grace upon you and us all.

Giving a Hand and Learning to Connect

These comments encourage the programming staff. They also reveal the fact that listeners enjoy our program content. They like to listen to World Christian Broadcasting because our staff members know their life struggles and their needs. We know because we spend time with Chinese people when opportunities occur. For example, a cross cultural marriage seemed headed to its tragic end in early 2019. When Jesus brought this opportunity of service to our doorstep, two from World Christian Broadcasting responded, Susan Baker and Salina Ho, together with a group of ladies from three local congregations. Susan was involved in the support group to the Chinese wife, while Salina was involved in the counseling aspect. After many prayers, counseling, generosity, forgiveness, repentance, and the hand of God, the husband and wife could see hope on the horizon, and their lives took a turn to head back to normality. Salina not only received insight into marriage, but she gained programming ideas as well while she served the wife. This is an example of how we could connect with listeners.

Programming in October

Salina had another opportunity to visit a Chinese lady who is fighting against leukemia. The visit developed into a friendship with Mrs. Zheng whom Salina invited to share her journey in illness by writing. In October Mrs. Zheng came to our studio in Franklin, Tennessee, and personally narrated the powerful testimony of how she learned to live with leukemia by faith.

Many know of Stephen Curtis Chapman for his beautiful songs. Few know of his loving care for handicapped orphans in China. Gayle Crowe, our vice president, visited Maria’s House of Hope in Luoyang, China. This hospital/orphanage was built by Chapman and hosts a hundred and thirty orphans with whom Gayle and others on a World Christian Broadcasting tour interacted without interference for few hours that day. Gayle has visited about three dozen countries and their famous places around the world. He says Maria House tops all of them as the most unforgettable. Shumei translated Gayle’s story, alongside with other stories from people like Channing Workman and Melisa Burka.

Shumei, responded to Edward Short’s sharing, wrote a reflection based on Brandt Jean’s forgiveness of police officer Amber Guyger who killed his brother. Brandt’s action touched everyone in the court on the day when the verdict was announced, including the Judge Tammy Kemp who later gave her personal Bible to Mrs. Guyger. Shumei hopes Brandt’s story will travel to China via our broadcast; it will widen the impact of Jesus’ forgiveness for us all.

World Christian Broadcasting can connect with our listeners also because of many volunteers who live among our listeners and take opportunities to help produce radio programs for us. Two evangelists, one from the Philippines, one from Taiwan, joined our show as we interviewed them. Yin talked about Jesus’ messages to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, while Wu talked about his observations as he traveled around America. In a telephone interview, Dr. Lin, a college president, shared his insight about what to build into the lives of young students on campus today. May God use their heart-felt sharing to build understanding of God in the heart of our listeners who are not yet believers of Christ Jesus.

Sharon Short in our Prayers

Edward and Sharon Short were with us seven weeks ago sharing their services to the children of missionaries who attended the retreat in Africa this summer. As soon as Edward and Sharon returned from Africa, they hosted and taught twenty teens and pre-teens of the Chinese church in Nashville at a retreat. Six weeks ago Sharon got ill. We now sincerely ask you to pray for Sharon for God’s healing.

Thankfully, in midst of her struggle for physical health, a joyful anticipation for the return of her missionary son, daughter-in-law, and three granddaughters grows bigger. Lewis Short’s family is scheduled to come back to the States next summer. Please pray for them too.

Categories: CHINESE