Listeners play a bigger role than simply just to listen. They contribute in many ways as encouragers to our ministry. A listener from Central China reminded us to make changes to our broadcast frequency announcement on our website when a new season of broadcast began in late October. His enthusiasm in our radio program motivates us to do our best in programming and beyond. Another listener from South China told us that he saves our programs in his “favorite” selection so that he can listen to our daily broadcast conveniently and without interference. One listener wrote from Australia that he considers us, the Light of Life Station, as a good teacher and a helpful friend in his life, who teaches him how to behave in this world. Another listener wrote from India and asked us to pray for his country, that the Covid infection cases will decrease all over India. The sole purpose of our existence is for our listeners, as you may tell from messages above, whose friendships mean the world to us.

Programming Highlight: Much More Than Concern for the Environment
Much attention poured into Glasgow Climate Summit in Scotland in November. We interviewed Dr. Jianwei Li, Professor of Environmental and Agricultural Science at Tennessee State University, about the significance of Glasgow agreements and the challenges ahead of all nations in implementing the proposed policies. Dr. Li points out that the cause of climate threats is rooted in human greed and irresponsibility to God and to fellow human beings, which led to excessive exploitation of natural resources and environmental deterioration. Dr. Li sheds light to deforestation and wildfires, collapsing ice shelves, ocean and water pollution, global warming, air-pollution and smog, drought and famine, which were all alluded to nearly two thousand years ago in chapter eight and sixteen of the Book of Revelation in the Bible. The fundamental solutions to climate and environmental issues, therefore, is to deal with sin of the heart of human beings, for which Jesus was sent by God. Saving human souls has everything to do with saving earth’s environment, Dr. Li suggested. Not receiving the salvation of Jesus, sinful, and irresponsible behaviors will continue at the cost of natural habitats and resources. Dr. Li enables us to connect listeners of God with interest in climate change and renders opportunities for us to lead listeners into the relevancy of God’s word. Please pray for our new production along this line.

Website Visitors Drop and God’s Encouragement

Though listeners’ comments are encouraging, we experienced a drop of website visitors in November. It could be affected by US-China’s intense relation lately, but we don’t know. Even with our efforts, the number of visitors went from a daily average of seven hundred visitors to four hundred in November. There is a need for more new production to encourage engagement with website visitors. We also need to learn how visitors get to know our website and why visitors want to stay and view more. We also want to take this time to pursue perseverance as God commands us. Jesus did not experience a phenomenal number of people in his audiences while on earth. We should not live by sight, but rather to spread the gospel by faith.
Christmas and New Year holidays are approaching, and people are having a few more days off. This provides opportunities for more internet viewers. Please pray for our efforts to serve our listeners and website visitors well in quality and quantity.

Again, we want to thank you for your interest in our Chinese ministry. Your prayers and support are critical for our services to Chinese around the world. May we work together with the Holy Spirit to bring more Chinese into God’s Kingdom through Christ Jesus in 2022. Please continue praying for us. We love to see that your family prospers in every way through Jesus in the new year and beyond. May God bless your family with a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!(圣诞快乐,新年快乐)


Categories: CHINESE