A New Regulation is Placed in China Next Month

Beginning on March 1st, China’s new regulation on internet activity will be put to practice. Individual Chinese citizens in China will need to apply and be approved before he or she could post religious material or conduct religious activity through internet in China. Individual foreigners and organizations outside of China are not allowed to post religious material on the internet or conduct religious activity through the internet for those who live in China. This regulation will affect us in that our Chinese website will not be accessible to those who live in China, according to the regulation. People outside of China are still able to have access to our website, but not the mainland Chinese.

We respect the Chinese authority and will comply with the new rules. God has clearly spelled out the guidance for this situation, as in China. Everyone must submit himself to the governing authority for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (Romans 13:1) Submit yourself for the Lord’s sake to every human authority, whether to the emperors, as the supreme authority. (1 Peter 2:13) As much as we want Jesus to know that we are His friends, we want China to know that we are her friends as well.

Valuable Archives Now On Website

Many interviews in our data base were highlighted in our radio broadcast. Most of them are still being used due to their eternal value and their impact leading listeners toward God. However, we had not used them on our website because there is no text attached to these segments. However, change is underway. Thanks to Shumei who is writing excerpts introducing these segments and making it possible for interviewee’s witness of their faith in Christ appearing on our website. Now our website visitors are able to listen and read what brother William Chen and Zhai Shiwei have shared about God and His works.

New Programming

Our constant strives are to produce new programs for our listeners. Exciting projects are underway for 2022. The Lord has blessed our ministry with many experienced servants of the Lord who produce their writings and voices to all language services who could use them if interpreter is available to help translate. Gayle Crowe who retired recently from Vice President over programming has been writing a good collection of evangelistic scripts. Encountering Jesus is one of the series which is being translated into Chinese. We are happy brother Crowe’s rich insights into the life of Jesus is now making impact to Chinese listeners around the world.

Mr. Yang Xui is a Chinese storyteller who adopts a classical vocal entertainment folk art “Shuo Shu” (direct translation: talking book), to retell the biblical stories. Mr. Xui recorded a series on Jesus and another on king David around twenty years ago. Recently we got reconnected and worked together again. The series on Joseph was just finished and ready to be on the air. We are very thankful for brother Xui. He is working on a short series on Esther now.

New Year New Wishes

Chinese around the world are celebrating Spring Festival these two weeks. 2022 is the year of Tiger according to the Chinese Zodiac. As the world heads into the new year with mounting tension in the arena of international relations and uncertainty with Covid pandemic, we firmly hold on to our Lord and seek his clarity to produce quality programs for listeners and material for the Chinese website.

Also, we pray for you and your family for the Lord’s guidance, blessings, and protection. Your prayers, interest, and supports have held us up before our Lord in the past. Our listeners would not have been blessed as they have on a daily basis and we can’t do what we are doing today without you. We truly thank God for you and for your contribution to our services. May God bless you and your family. Have a Good Year!



Categories: CHINESE