While the Bible project is almost to the finish line, here are examples of some of our recent programming. In order to lead people to God, making the gospel understandable is necessary. Analogy is a helpful tool. Life cycles of plants around us and popular animal fable stories, sometimes render insightful analogies for illustrating God’s word. This month listeners came to know why Jesus asks us to pursue the beatitude Pure in Heart through gardening practice such as cutting withered flowers so that the plant could live healthy and bloom well continuously. Just like the frog could become the Prince and live the life of prince in the fable by kissing the princess, we, by being baptized into Christ, can become God’s son and live the life of God’s son.
Christian hymns are tools for Christian maturity, companions in difficult times, avenues of praises and thanksgiving to God, and great methods for personal evangelism. This month listeners could hear several hymns such as Wonderful Words of Life, There is a God, Soar Wings Like Eagle, and Happiness along with reflection remarks. Please pray that God will use them to touch their hearts.
Covid-19 renders great opportunity for evangelism. It is so because the pandemic causes human suffering in many ways and God is what people need in suffering. This month Dr. Zhu of Vanderbilt University was our guest interviewee. He revealed the fact that by early August Vanderbilt Medical Center had done 72,879 Covid-19 tests. Among them 6,584 tests showed positive, and 57 patients died. Dr. Zhu observes daily much pain, stress, and suffering in the hospital. He turned to God and studied the Book of Job for answers. Dr. Zhu learned that due to sins, suffering is an inevitable part of human reality. God allows sufferings to take place in order for us to revere God and seek him. By trusting God and accepting his help, we could walk with his son, Jesus, and he will lead us through and out of the shadow of suffering.
Our programs include many Christian life stories. Dr. Wang shared a personal testimony in August about living in Jesus, the way to experience the unfailing power of salvation. Dr. Wang is a professor of Information System & Computing Technology at Lipscomb University. His walk with Jesus started at a time of crisis while he was a graduate student. When he turned to God for help, Jesus instructed him to seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness first. He obeyed and started to attend church worship service and other activities. God led him out of crisis in ways he couldn’t imagine. Dr. Wang shared his story with our listeners this month. May many be touched through his insights and want to seek God.
Listeners could also appreciate God through programs such as God’s role in human identity and perception. People often use their professions or their roles in life to define themselves. Such identity is unstable and people feel lost when they become unemployed. The only identity that is forever is our identity in God. Randy Gariss, a counselor at a Christian college, suggested the first truth parents should instill in their children is their identity in God. Jeremy Lin is a good example. The famous basketball player demonstrates a life that’s deeply rooted in God. He knows his identity is not in his performance in the games, but in God. If parents do not teach their children about their God-given identity, later children will seek identities in their performance, belongings, and in other people’s eyes.