Our new series “Generation Gap” is becoming so popular. It’s a spontaneous conversation between real life mother and daughter discussing different social and cultural issues, including money, dating, and marriage. Listening to this program virtually transports the audience into the living room of a middle-class family in the heart of Cairo!

The new format is attracting more young people—our target audience. This year we introduced a fresh format based on simple dialogue and informal conversation. Whether discussing relationships, depression, or the parables of Jesus, they are presented in a casual talk between real life people. Our research shows that young people—millennials and Gen Z—are more likely to connect with ordinary people talking rather than an authority figure telling them what they should think or do.

A young pastor got excited about our new format. So, instead of preaching to the audience, he brought a couple of young people with him to the studio. Together they talk about the Bible, ask questions back and forth, and share what God is doing in their own daily lives. We called the new program “Just Talking.” With this show, you’d feel you’re sitting with friends at a coffee shop sharing about faith and your personal walk with God.

Jesus came to give us a better life—a life we live with him every day. Perhaps we don’t have all the answers, but we walk with Him one step at a time, one day at a time. We want to introduce our listeners to Jesus—not to a religion, or a doctrine, or a system. If you watch the news, you’d know that our audience face unprecedented challenges—war, inflation, unemployment, persecution—and need our message to be real, pure and simple!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Categories: ARABIC