As we get to the close of 2019, I like to greet our listeners who have written to us consistently throughout the year. Nathaniyelu Manubru has written from five times this year expressing his love for African Pathways radio program and in three occasions, Nathaniyelu has taken time to record and send audio clips of the programs he has been listening to, identifying the presenters by name and the segments of the program that have caught his heart, making him love Jesus more. Andhra Pradesh has sent four letters to us this year, acknowledging that he has listened to African Pathways for the two years. Both Andhra and Nathaniyelu write from Ongele and Calicut India, respectively. Mauro Giroletti has written three times from Buccinasco, Italy, expressing his joy when he listens to African Pathways radio programs. He cited in detail the programs, names of presenters, and the contents of the individual programs he listens on a regular basis. Mauro promises to continue to listen and he requests a verification letter and QSL card from World Christian Broadcasting to confirm that we have been reading his letters. Joachim Thiel writes three times from Wuppertal, Germany, calling the quality of production of our program African Pathways as a “fine work,” and admitted that he loves to listen to Bible teachings.

I was reviewing the names of more than 18 of our listeners who have written at least six letters each through emails from the continent of Africa representing countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Cameroun, Somalia, Tanzania, and DR Congo. Most of these listeners want to learn more about Jesus Christ, asking us to enroll them in a Bible study program. Lumi Joshua specifically requests us to guide him to “know the original Bible and to grow in Christian faith.” In the African English context, that usually means they want to learn the “truth” so that they can grow in Christian faith (apparently they belong to another religion at the moment). We have referred several of our listeners who write and ask for Bible study to World Bible School for a follow-up. God is faithful to His word.

Categories: AFRICA